Case Studies
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From Plantation to Shalom Economics: How a Cooperative of Faith Communities Reweaves Communion in Urban and Ecological Systems
What would it mean for the church to intercept the becoming of cities and turn them toward the joy of communion? How might this alternative

A Cultural Exegesis of a South Philadelphia Neighborhood
I live in Philadelphia, a city where grit is not just a metaphor for our working-class ethic but also a description of the landscape. When

Case Study: Global Outreach in an Urban World
“Location, location, location”–this is the cliché and mantra of real estate professionals in every city. It is also a reality for any church which is

Bright Promise Fund: Faith, Education and Chicago
Bright Promise Fund exists to strengthen and support a network of fifteen unique, Christ-centered schools in neighborhoods across metropolitan Chicago. These schools are rooted in

Transforming Community Through Christian Education: A Case Study On Hunting Park Christian Academy
Christian schools in the U.S. have been known as educational sanctuaries to protect and provide quality Christian education to children from Christian families. They also

Voices in the Violence: How Black Churches in Brooklyn Can Help Us Find Our Voice As We Minister in Violent Contexts
Introduction: An Epidemic of Violence It was a warm summer day in Brooklyn when my wife and I took our kids out after dinner so

Case Study of Habecker Mennonite Church
How a historical but dwindling and aging Mennonite church in Lancaster County, PA, found renewal from unexpected quarters–Burmese refugees.

Praxis Education for Ministry in Urban Contexts: A Pedagogical & Programmatic Review of Wesley Theological Seminary’s Urban Fellows Program
Traditional seminary education has often been plagued with critiques concerning its impractical and irrelevant nature in the context of complex ministry in urban setting. Can we re-imagine urban ministry training? Wesley Theological Seminary’s experiment in theological education for urban ministry–the Urban Fellows program–facilitates community based asset research with urban ministry projects done in partnership with local congregations to strengthen learning and ministry between seminary, churches, and communities to address shared concerns. This article explores how pedagogical perspectives of experiential and praxis education are incarnated in the practice of the Urban Fellows program.

Seeking Synergy: 8 Steps to Forming a Ministry Cluster
Many individuals and groups are asking how to get a ministry cluster going. This case study will offer a step-by-step approach, with this proviso: This is a basic template, not a blueprint. There is no need to copy this in total. Each cluster will have its own unique character, or DNA. Yet, what you will read here is a common methodology that appears to be working.

Renewing Grace: Thoughts on the Direction of Church Planting Ministry in Beijing
A brief history of church planting in Beijing, China, and how it is being influenced by the church planting efforts and theological reflections going on in the U.S.A.

Urban Exegesis in Seattle’s Rainier Valley
Urban exegesis, a theological reading of the city, can be an insightful and effective lens for observing and interpreting any urban community. After considering some foundational elements of the Rainier Valley’s physical context, an examination of significant urban “cultural texts” in the community will explore cultural and theological meaning in the built environment of the neighborhood. This approach to observing and interpreting an urban community is essential not only for prospective church planters, but also for anyone who is seeking to embody an incarnational presence in the city.