Urban Voices
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Pastoring Youth Behind Bars
(Editor’s note: The following has been adapted from a panel discussion, “Faith and the Justice System,” a part of Missio Seminary’s Courageous Conversations, which took

A Life Redeemed: From Chaos to Peace
Every story has a beginning. Mine starts in Philadelphia, PA, in the Kensington and Allegheny section of the city. There I grew up in a

Opening Up the Gift of the City
My first church was Northside Chapel in Paterson, NJ. I spent two years there, and then the Lord moved me back to Grand Rapids, MI,

Jephthah’s Daughter and #metoo
Photo: Tom Marvel At this moment I am reminded of a text message that I received a little over 6 years ago. As I was

And Who is My Neighbor?
You know the story of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10:25-37). An expert in religious law asks Jesus what it takes to inherit eternal life. Jesus

Prophetic Resilience and the Work of Justice: Reflecting on Dr. King
(This piece was adapted from an earlier essay published by The Center for Social Concerns at The University of Notre Dame. https://socialconcerns.nd.edu/department-blogs/cst) “We shall overcome

How Those Incarcerated Suffer Most in the COVID-19 Pandemic
COVID-19 is affecting everybody. But like most catastrophes, the majority of us are inconvenienced, yet for the most vulnerable it becomes yet another life and

Executing Grace
I’m not a single-issue person. I’m not even really an issue person. I’m doing my best to love God and love people… and to be

Racism Alone? – Reflections on the Current National Divide
Some claim that Ferguson and Staten Island demonstrate the existence of racist structures that permeate our society. Others claim that these killings resulted from criminal behavior or “a lack of personal responsibility.” While both positions point to contributing factors, they both continue to ignore culture – a factor that dwarfs the previous two.

“Step Out The Boat”: Following the Urban Disciple Maker
The national conversation in the wake of Ferguson cannot ignore the voice of a crucial subject matter expert, the urban disciple maker. What does the urban disciple maker see that simplistic analyses from outsider pundits can’t? How does she lead the way forward through the treacherous gauntlet of nihilistic culture, organized crime, pulpit pimps, sexual and familial confusion, prison industrial complex, race hustlers, destructive public policy, government-funded dependency, etc.?

Rewriting the Story of the Exploited: The Gospel for Sex Workers
Even with knowing God and knowing I am loved by others, I still choose to look for love elsewhere. I have been shown unimaginable grace in my own sin. How dare I fail to show these women the same grace?

The gentri-church, rising on the new wave of young urbanites, is the brightest hope the city has seen in more than a half century. Will it be up to the challenge?

A Sense of Place
The hope of most urban missionaries is to see people living in urban poverty become leaders in their own community. Once equipped with education and opportunity, instead of moving out of town, we encourage them to stay and make a difference. However, these leaders are often considered a failure by their own community if they don’t relocate. Incarnational ministers receive accolades for their “sacrifice” of living in urban poverty, but community leaders do not.

When Mercy and Justice Collide
Mercy is not enough. Justice is also required. Mercy is a doorway to more: just and healed relationships, a society of peace, and a wholeness for both the recipients and the givers of mercy.