The Journal of Urban Mission

The Mission:
The Journal of Urban Mission is a journal committed to the mission of God in cities throughout the world, through education, conversation, mutual inspiration, encouragement, and mobilization among its readership.
The Philosophy:
The Journal of Urban Mission intends to be a reliable, challenging, and enriching source of education and advocacy for global urban mission. We seek to give special emphasis to under-represented Two-Thirds World authorship (along with writings from Western nations, especially in and around the city of Philadelphia, where the Journal has its home and where Missio Seminary, the sponsoring institution, is located), as well as in-depth reflections and research by practitioners and scholars. We also desire to develop a growing and vibrant worldwide learning community of institutions, organizations and practitioners who will mutually teach and encourage for the sake of collaborating and invigorating the work of mission in the cities globally.
Board of Editors
- General Editor: Kyuboem Lee
- Associate Editor: Susan S. Baker
- Associate Editor: Kimberlee Johnson
Click on the name for a list of their contributions.